Hello Debut Musicians and Families!
Welcome to the Winter Quarter of BYSO! New to us? Learn “About Me” HERE!
Remember to bring your PRINTED music and a PENCIL to the first rehearsal and label everything (no stands are necessary). We’re a big group, so I’ll have some seats assigned to help you find your spot. We will be sight-reading our new music, which can be tricky, so hang in there! No one is expected to know the music perfectly the first night. Especially as the music bumps up a level!
Want to hear what we’re playing?! Here are the links:
- Waltz from the Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky/Forsblad
- Iridescence by Chris Evan Hass
- Boreas (The Cold North Wind) by Todd Parrish
Stand partner question of the week: What’s your name and what was the best part of your break?
Names of our Fabulous Coaches:
- 1st Violins: Coach Caroline Faflak
- 2nd Violins and Assistant Conductor: Mrs. Marianna Vail
- 1st and 2nd Violins: Mrs. Megan Jancola
- Violas: Coach Rafael Howell-Flores
- Cellos: Ms. Janice Lee
- Bass: Coach Moe Weisner
Don’t forget your…
Happy Holidays, Everyone!
I hope you’re enjoying the season and finding time to practice and play your instrument! Music for Winter (starting on Jan. 6) will be available in early January. Keep your eyes peeled once we hit 2025!
Here’s a free resource for seasonal songs: https://www.christmasmusicsongs.com/christmas-music-for-strings.html (Scroll down to choose your instrument).
Two more rehearsals left!
- No rehearsal next Monday, November 11 (Veteran’s Day)
- Our concert is on Saturday, November 23 at 3:00pm at Bastyr University Chapel, 14500 Juanita Dr. NE, Kenmore, WA 98028
- All musicians should arrive promptly at 2:00 pm
- Be IN your concert attire when you arrive, get tuned, and head to the stage for our on-stage warm-up.
Concert Attire:
- Black mask (optional)
- White shirt or blouse with 3/4 to full-length sleeves
- Black pants/skirt (knee length or lower)
- Black shoes (and black socks, if applicable)
- Religious head coverings: plain black
Nice job with seating auditions, Debut! Remember, they are just a snapshot in time and don’t reflect on you as a person or on your overall playing ability. Wherever you sit, your part is important to the group as a whole.
10/28 Rehearsal Information:
- Arrive by 6:30pm to find your new seat and meet your new stand partner
- You will be receiving your BYSO sweatshirt at this rehearsal. Don’t leave without it!
- COSTUMES ARE WELCOME! It’s the week of Halloween and we want to see your fun costumes! Please make sure you can play your instrument in your costume. If you can’t see or hold your instruments correctly (or get too hot!), you might need to remove part of your costume.
RETREAT COLOR CHALLENGE: Let’s see what section can show the most section pride! Colors to wear for retreat (please, don’t buy anything special, just wear whatever you have and I’ll have stickers if you don’t have anything in your section’s color!)
Violin 1: Black
Violin 2: Green
Viola: Purple
Cello: Blue
Bass: Red
See below for more retreat and audition info!
Mark your calendars!
- October 19 – Fall Retreat at Odle
- October 21 – Seating Auditions
Our retreat will be at Odle Middle School on Saturday, 10/19 from 12:30-3:30pm
Retreats are NOT optional. Please submit an absence report if your student will not be attending or if they are coming late/leaving early. We will rehearse, play games, and have sectionals in preparation for seating auditions.
RETREAT COLOR CHALLENGE: On Monday, 10/14, your section will decide what color they want your section to wear at he retreat. Let’s see what section can show the most section pride!
We will hold seating auditions on Monday, 10/21 at rehearsal
Seating auditions are NOT optional. If you miss the auditions, you will be placed at the end of your section.
During seating auditions, coaches will listen to students individually to help place students in the section. The coaches and I are looking for students who have shown mastery on their parts (posture/technique, bowing, intonation, rhythmic accuracy, expression), and also students who have demonstrated good preparation each week and strong rehearsal etiquette.
Violin 1:
Epic Adventure: mm. 61-78
An Irish Journey: mm. 107 – end
Assemble the Minions: mm. 88 – end
Violin 2:
An Irish Journey: mm. 16-26 & mm. 73-81
Assemble the Minions: mm. 17-29
Assemble the Minions: mm. 21-33 & mm. 41-49
Epic Adventure: mm. 76-94
An Irish Journey: mm. 79-100
Assemble the Minions: mm. 17-31 & mm. 96-end (with metronome)
An Irish Journey, mm. 9-29 & mm. 92-108
This week: Bring your pencils!
Sectionals start this week and you’ll want to mark all the special information your coaches give you. This is a way to start strong and be prepared for seating auditions on October 19th.
Violin 1: Here are parts marked by your 1st violin coach, Ms. Caroline
Vln 1 Epic Adventure
Vln 1 An Irish Journey
Vln 1 Assemble the Minions!
Challenge: Learn your the name of your coach! No, “Hey, you!” or “That one guy/girl” – ha!
Updated, 9/16/2024 (August 20, 2024)
Hello Debut Musicians and Families!
Welcome to the best group out there (totally biased!). I’m excited to make music with you this year. Learn “About Me” HERE!
Please plan to bring a pencil and your music in a folder to the first rehearsal and label everything! We’re a big group, so I’ll have seats assigned to help you find your spot.
Things you can do to feel more confident sight-reading at our first rehearsal:
- Print out your music when it’s becomes available
- Mental Practice/Preparation: Listen to the recordings (links will be updated closer to our first rehearsal) to hear what the pieces sound like…even better if you can follow along with the music. You are NOT expected to know your music perfectly the first night!
- Find out what key each piece is in and try to play a scale in that key.
- Look for anything you don’t recognize or might have a question about and ask about them in rehearsal or with your private teacher.
Songs for Fall 2024:
- Epic Adventure by Kathryn Griesinger
- An Irish Journey, Traditional (Arr. Brubaker)
- Assemble the Minions! by Jeffrey Bishop
Next up:
- September 23 – First Rehearsal!
- October 19 – Fall Retreat
- October 21 – Seating Auditions at our Monday Rehearsal
See you on Monday, 9/23/24!
Mrs. Ewing (You-ing)
Some helpful tools:
- Tuner
- Video instructions for “HOW” to tune: fine-tuners or pegs
- Metronome