Volunteer Tasks

To serve our hundreds of musicians we rely on our parents and other volunteers to support us throughout the season. Our volunteers’ support is worth over $25,000 toward our programs and your musician’s education. To keep BYSO running, we ask all families to fulfill at least four hours of volunteer service per musician per year. High school students are also encouraged to volunteer. BYSO hours can be counted toward their school volunteer requirements. Please review the list below to learn more about volunteer positions and click on links to sign up!

Rehearsal Volunteer Opportunities

  • Rehearsal Set-up Volunteers:
    For each week’s rehearsal, we need two set-up volunteers for each ensemble.  The rehearsal volunteer is a critical role in helping set up the room, organize chairs, and help conductor and site manager prepare for start of rehearsal. Time Commitment: 45 minutes
  • Attendance Volunteers:
    For each rehearsal, we need one attendance volunteer for each ensemble.  The attendance volunteer will greet students as they enter the building and take attendance.
    Time Commitment: 30 – 45 minutes

Sign up to volunteer for Fall Quarter 2024 Rehearsals!


  • Retreat Attendance Volunteers:
    For each retreat we need one attendance volunteer for each ensemble.  The attendance volunteer will greet students as they enter the building and take attendance.
    Time Commitment: 30 – 45 minutes
  • Lunch Preparation Assistant— Helps to set-up tables, serve lunch and water, and clean up once students return to their classes. Time commitment: ~45 – 60 minutes.
  • Retreat Set-Up and Break-Down— Helps our site managers, conductors, and coaches get the chairs and music stands set up before the retreat, then helps them break it down at the end of the day. Time commitment ~30-40 minutes.

Sign up to volunteer for Fall Quarter 2024 Retreats!


Concert-day volunteers have the opportunity to reserve seats for their entire family before the concert!

Lobby Assistants

  • Check-In Volunteers— Greet students in the lobby and take attendance as musicians arrive for their dress rehearsal/sound-check. Time commitment: ~1½ hours.
  • Will Call Volunteers— Assist with checking in audience, both Will Call and Complimentary ticket holders. You may be in the box office or at a table in the lobby. Time commitment: ~1½ hours.
  • Point Person— Directs students to their ensemble’s Green Room and helps to make sure students feel comfortable in our performance venues. Time commitment: ~1½ hours.
  • Ushers— Distribute programs before the concert and help direct audience members to their seats. Time commitment: 30 minutes.

Check back here for the Concert Volunteer sign up link!

Backstage Assistants

  • Greenroom Monitors — Stay with the students in their greenroom until right before the concert begins and ensure students are behaving respectfully towards one another, as well as towards the property of the room. They must be comfortable with enforcing rules such as, “No drawing on the white board, Don’t touch the piano/drums, etc…” They will also direct late students to the stage if they are already rehearsing. Time commitment: ~1½ hour.
  • Backstage Monitors — Stay with the students in their greenroom during the concert and help shuttle students from Greenroom to the stage. While backstage, ensures students are behaving respectfully towards one another, as well as towards the property of the room. You must be comfortable with enforcing rules such as, “No drawing on the white board, Don’t touch the piano/drums, etc…” Time commitment: ~1½ hour.

All Backstage Assistants are required to complete a WSP Background check.

Miscellaneous Volunteer Opportunities

Please contact the office at info@byso.org if you are interested in supporting BYSO in any of the following ways:

  • Special Event Volunteers—Support is needed at all of BYSO’s special events throughout the year, including fundraising events, community concerts and auditions. More detailed volunteer roles will be posted prior to each event.
  • IT Corps—Pool of volunteers available provide IT guidance and tech support on an as-needed basis for BYSO office staff.
  • Music Librarian—Responsible for helping with our music library per conductors’ needs at the beginning of each quarter.
  • Mailing Assistant—Available for mailing assistance in the BYSO office on an as-needed basis for small bulk mailings.

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