youth playing in concert

Fall Seating Audition Spots

Fall Seating Auditions will take place at the BYSO Sinfonia retreat on Saturday, October 28. Attendance at the retreat is required, and there will be no make-up auditions. Those who do not audition at the retreat will be seated at the back of the section. Be sure to practice your individual part with careful attention to detail (including articulations) and to the musical aspects of the piece (dynamics, phrasing, etc.).  You should also listen to professional recordings for a guide to tempo and style. The audition material will be chosen from the following selections:


Virginia City Bagatelles: 13-27 (second ending only), 36-41, 45-60

Shannon Falls: 21-34, 35-41, 59-66

Schubert Symphony: A to B, 3rd measure of B to C, 5th measure of E to DS sign, I to end


Virginia City Bagatelles: 11-27 (second ending only), 36-41, 44-end

Shannon Falls: 21-34, 35-41, 59-66

Schubert Symphony: A to B, 3rd measure of B to C, 5th measure of E to DS sign, I to end

1st Clarinet: (Pari, Nathan, Alex, Reuben)

Virginia City Bagatelles: 11-23, 25-31,36-41, 48-50

Shannon Falls: 21-29, 67-76, 56-57, 59-65

Schubert Symphony: E-H

2nd Clarinet: (Parv, Joyce, Mia, Roy)

Virginia City Bagatelles: 11-23, 25-31,36-41, 48-50

Shannon Falls: 21-29, 67-76

Schubert Symphony: E-H


Virginia City Bagatelles: 11-21 and 2nd ending, 36-43

Shannon Falls: 29-34, 35-41 beat 2, Pickup to 42-49, 54-58

Schubert Symphony: A 10 bars, B 6 bars, D 6 bars


Virginia City Bagatelles: 2nd horn part — 44 to End

Shannon Falls: Beginning-13 (your choice of the high or low octave), M. 58-66, M. 71-End

Schubert Symphony: Beginning to C (your choice 1st or 2nd part)


Virginia City Bagatelles: 1st trumpet part m 44-End, 3rd Trumpet part 11-22

Schubert Symphony: 1st trumpet part 10 after A to C, H-I – all

Trombone and Baritone:

Virginia City Bagatelles: 1st trombone parts m. 12-23, 3rd trombone part m. 41-60

Schubert Symphony: everyone play the Trombone 1 part for the audition – Beginning-A, 9 after C-D, H-I, Trombone 3 – 9 after C-D (everyone prepare both 1st and 3rd)

Violin I:

Virginia City Bagatelles: 8- 18, 32-43

Shannon Falls: 1-20, 29-34, 48-62

Schubert Symphony: A-7 before B, B-D, 2 before D-1 after E, 2 before F-G, pick up to H for 3 measures, 1 before I-end

Violin II:

Virginia City Bagatelles: 8-24 (1st ending), 25 (second ending)-32, 32-43, Pick up 44-53

Shannon Falls: 35-42, 59-67, 67-end

Schubert Symphony: C-D, E-bar before F, Pick up F-1st bar of G, J-end


Virginia City Bagatelles: 11- 24, 32-43

Shannon Falls: 21-29, 35-41, 71-end

Schubert Symphony: pick up to 8 before B through 3 after B, 9 before F through one after F


Virginia City Bagatelles: 32-41

Shannon Falls: 27-42

Schubert Symphony: 3 before C to 2 after D, 4 after E to F

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