youth playing in concert

Philharmonia Messages

Winter Quarter Music and Seating Audition Spots

Philharmonia download links will be shared by the BYSO office near the end of the week prior to our first rehearsal on January 6.  Check your email then for the link and password.  However, many of you asked to have parts earlier if possible.

One of the pieces we will be performing is the Fourth Movement from Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9 “New World Symphony.”  This was requested by several of you!  If you want to look at the parts in advance of the download links, they are available online now.  You can go to the page found below.

    • Go to the ‘Sheet Music’ section (middle of page).
    • Click on ‘Parts’ tab.
    • Go to the second grouping edited by ‘Otakar Sourek.’
    • Click on ’12 more’ to open the parts for download.
    • All Strings:  These imslp parts do not have all the bowings we will use.  The BYSO download files will.
    • Clarinet, French Horn, Trumpet, Trombone:  There are also transposed parts lower down on that page.  All these will be added to the BYSO download file as well.
      • Claudio Rosatelli transposition (Bb for Clarinet)
      • Paul Kim transposition (F for Horn, Bb Trumpet, Bass Clef for Trombone 1 and 2)

Our Seating Auditions will take place at our Winter Retreat on Saturday, January 11 (9am to 12pm at Odle Middle School).  Below are the Seating Auditions spots for all instruments.

Flute (use Dvorak Flute 1 part)

  • Rehearsal 1 to twelve measures after 2
  • Eight measures before 6 to 6
  • Nine measures after 7 to one measure after 8
  • Sixteen measures after 9 to 10

Oboe (use Dvorak Oboe 1 part)

  • Rehearsal 1 to twelve measures after 2
  • Eight measures before 6 to 6
  • Nine measures after 7 to one measure after 8
  • Sixteen measures after 9 to 10

Clarinet (use Dvorak Clarinet 1 part)

  • Rehearsal 1 to twelve measures after 2
  • Two measures before 3 to 4
  • Nine measures after 7 to one measure after 8
  • Nineteen measures after 9 to eight measures before 10

French Horn (use Dvorak French Horn 1 part)

  • Five measures before 2 to seven measures after 2
  • Eleven measures after 5 to two measures after 6
  • Eight measures before 11 to 11

Trumpet (use Dvorak Trumpet 1 part)

  • Beginning to 1
  • 4 to 5
  • Eight measures before 8 to one measure after 8

Trombone (parts as noted)

  • From Dvorak Trombone 1:  Five measures before 2 to seven measures after 2  and  Five measures after 11 to two measures after 12
  • From Schwartz Trombone 1:  Measure 75 to 79  and  measure 115 to 124

Bass Trombone (parts as noted)

  • From Dvorak Trombone 3:  Five measures before 2 to seven measures after 2  and  Five measures after 11 to two measures after 12
  • From Schwartz Trombone 3:  Measure 113 to 124

Euphonium (parts as noted)

  • From Dvorak Trombone 3:  Five measures before 2 to seven measures after 2  and  Five measures after 11 to two measures after 12
  • From Dvorak Bassoon 1:  Twelve measures before 5 to five measures after 5  and  Solo after 10 to eight measures before 11

Violin (use Dvorak Violin 1 part)

  • Fourteen measures before 1 to 2
  • Eleven measures after 2 to 3
  • Two measures before 8 to five measures before 9

Viola (use Dvorak part)

  • Fourteen measures before 1 to seven measures after 1
  • Eleven measures after 4 to twelve measures before 5
  • Ten measures after 6 to four measures after 7

Cello (use Dvorak part)

  • Fourteen measures before 1 to 2
  • Three measures before 3 to 4
  • Fourteen measures before 10 to six measures after 10

Double Bass (use Dvorak part)

  • Eleven measures before 1 to 2
  • Eight measures before 4 to four measures after 4
  • 6 to twelve measures after 6
  • Eight measures before 10 to 10

Winter Quarter Reference Video

For a video of Antonín Dvořák’s Symphony No. 4, Fourth Movement (Allegro con fuoco), use the link below.  This final movement begins at 32:38. This is the ‘All-Star Orchestra’ conducted by Gerard Schwarz who was the music director of the Seattle Symphony for 26 years.

Fall Quarter Reference Videos

Alpha and Omega by American composer Soon Hee Newbold.  This is a computer-generated recording with the score.

Symphony No. 4, Finale (Fourth Movement) by Pyotr I. Tchaikovsky.  This is a recording by a Russian symphony with the score.  The Fourth Movement begins at 33:27.

Welcome to Philharmonia’s 2024-25 Season!

The music for our first concert will be posted on our website and linked above in the weeks ahead. Please check for email notifications so that you can print out your music before our first rehearsal on Monday, September 23rd.

I am in the process of selecting repertoire for this season, and I would like to have the input of our Philharmonia musicians.  If you have a piece or composer in mind, please email me the details at, and I will consider it.

Looking forward to a great season!

Mr. Kempisty, Philharmonia Conductor


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