youth playing in concert

Flute Orchestra Messages

Thanks to all who auditioned!

Wow!  Thanks to everyone who prepared an audition for BYSO – we heard over 100 flutists!  Incredible!

We’ll be expanding rotations into the Youth Orchestra this year – so be on the lookout for an email sent on Friday with more information.  (FYI: Everyone accepted into the FO/Phil/Youth level will see their initial placement as Flute Orchestra.)

I’m excited for this new rotation system which will allow more students to experience the Philharmonia and Youth Orchestras throughout the year.

If you have any suggestions as to activities or music you’d like to play – be sure to email me and let me know. We’re busy making plans to make sure the music is compelling and fun.

**Also – if you know of anything which will impact your attendance, please let me know right away so I can plan accordingly.  Thank you for your conscientious scheduling and communication! **

OH!  Please Note:   WIBC events are in direct conflict with BYSO concerts in November. (You will not be able to do both … )

I hope your school years have gotten off to a great start!

If anyone would like to play alto or bass flute – please let me know soon!  THANKS!

I’m looking forward to a fantastic year!

Happy fluting!
Dr. Sandy



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