youth playing in concert

Flute Orchestra Messages

Good luck with your solo and ensemble performances!

SINCE REHEARSAL IS CANCELLED TONIGHT – please make a PDF scan of your Syrinx – with all the counting.  (Genius app is great for using your cell phone’s camera to instantly make nice looking PDFs)

1. All measures must have correct number beats (1, 2, 3) – a measure can’t have multiple count 1’s, for example
2. Every beat must be sub divided into 1 + 2 + 3 +
3. Tuplets need beat number and + (no need for further subdivisions)
4. 16ths and Dotted 8ths must be sub divided into 1 e + a
5. Counting must line up with the correct note.

AND PLEASE PRACTICE all of our music – with a metronome and tuner – and try and accomplish everything listed below.

Other Things to do:

Ticket for entry: Please bring your corrected copy to all rehearsals:

  • Write in the counting to each measure, showing 1 + 2 + 3 + … for EVERY measure.  For measures that have dotted 8th notes, you need to show the 1 e + a subdivisions

Practice your Sam Barron Low Note Exercise and your flutter tonguing!

LISTEN!: (JUBA) (Cross the Wide Missouri) (Pictures: Ballet of Unhatched Chicks) scroll down for recording of both movements. !

Monday 2/3/2025  – check email if there are any weather events.  BYSO will communicate via email RE: rehearsal status.

  • Rehearse
    • Pictures – write in trill fingerings! add grace notes – be able to play with metronome.  All notes and rhythms should be learned accurately by now.  Gradually increase the tempo.  The beginning and end should be uncomfortably soft – practice the uber soft dynamics – without going flat.
    • Cross the Wide Missouri – pick some hard sections to practice
    • Juba – concentrate on m. 36 to end – getting up to tempo with all articulations / dynamics / good counting / in tune / etc. – Accuracy! Practice in 4/4 and gradually increase tempo.  Then practice in 2/2 or cut time … and make sure you are retaining the accuracy of the slower tempo.
  • Continue: Concerto on 1 Note / Scenes from a Hat – Round 3/Story (on a single note, and-or use any notes you want) (Shiho, Julinna, Yuko, Ella)

SYRINX COUNTING: thanks Suri, Ari, & Matthew!


PART ASSIGNMENTS Flute 1 Flute 2 Flute 3 Flute 4 Alto Bass Flute 5 Flute 6 Piccolo
Pictures at an Exhibition  Kayla, Isabelle Mathilde, Shiho, Hannah Shachar, Varshini, Eunice Suri, Matthew, Julinna Yuko, Chloe Arnav, Ella Ari
Cross the Wide Missouri Suri,  Eunice, Shiho, Julinna Varshini, Ari, Matthew   Mathilde,  Isabelle Kayla, Hannah, Shachar Yuko, Chloe Arnav, Ella
Juba Hannah,  Mathilde Shachar, Suri Julinna, Shino  

Varshini, Eunice

Yuko, Chloe Arnav, Ella Kayla Matthew Ari & Isabelle


***THANKS to Ari (3), Chloe (2), Kayla, Hannah, Isabelle (2), Julinna, Matilde (2), Matthew (4), Shachar (4), Shiho (2), and Varshini (3) for their timely arrivals! 🙂 *** Prizes to be awarded! ***

Happy Fluting!
~Dr. Sandy

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Link of the week: Some things to think about (Bulletproof Musician site also has articles about practicing / performing / reducing anxiety / etc.):

Video Live Sessions: Seattle Flute Society – Michael Davis: The Bird Song

Video Live Sessions: Seattle Flute Society – Amy Beach: Theme and Variations, Op. 80

LOW FLUTE ASSIGNMENTS for FO Winter rotation:

  • ALTO: Yuko and Chloe C.
  • BASS: Ella and Arnav


(Tentative) ORCHESTRA ROTATIONS for remainder of year:

FO into Youth – Spring:

  • Ari
  • Hannah
  • Yuko


FO into PHIL (Spring)

  • Chloe C
  • Alice
  • Noah
  • Julinna
  • TBD
  • TBD

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