youth playing in concert

Flute Choir Messages

Good Afternoon, Amazing Flute Choir Flutists and Families!

Thank you for all your hard work, dedication and for continuing to grow and improve!

Please make note of where you are (both row and column) on your music:

Row 3 (back) Kaylyn Hannah Coco Noah Arnav Matthew Crystal Jeri Medha Pia Elizabeth Julinna
Row 2 Shiho Ada Isabelle Kaylee Gwen Marcus Samuel Shachar Chloe C Chloe K Rio
Row 1 (front)
Kayla Jackie Leo Carrie Karthik Hannes Suah Alice Stella Ember Siyu

April 29 Rehearsal Planplease come prepared by practicing lots this week!

BRING YOUR OWN MUSIC STAND, all music (with no page turns), a pencil, and all instruments needed. When you enter, be very careful of the audio equipment!  Do not put your music stand together until break time. 

All Benaroya music should be “performance-ready” by this rehearsal.

  • 6:30 – 7:30 PM  Dance with Me
    • A recording engineer will be present to video record each row performing for the rest of the group.  Bring paper to rehearsal to write down your feedback and impressions of what you saw and heard.  The recording engineer (Ron Haight) will also record a full-group performance – a dress rehearsal for us to view and analyze during the week.
    • Then, each person will watch the video recordings of each row and the full group and must submit an email self-critique (both to Dr. Merrie: and Dr. Sandy: as well as a full group evaluation, noting what went well and what can be improved. We would like to receive these by Friday, May 3rd so we have time to create an appropriate rehearsal plan for Monday.
  • 7:30 – 7:40 PM – BREAK
  • 7:40 PM – 7:55 PM – Dance with Me – tutti (everyone together)
  • 7:55 PM – LOBBY / Garden Party Music – with Philharmonia flutists

Please feel free to check the Flute Orchestra Conductor’s Messages for comments regarding each piece as well as practice tips.

Thank you and keep on flutin’!

~Dr. Merrie

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