Bellevue Youth Symphony Orchestra performances are copyright-protected, and personal recording of audio or video during any ticketed concert is not allowed.
Our Fall, Winter, and Spring concerts are professionally recorded in high-definition video and available for purchase for two weeks after each concert. Our Holiday concerts are not recorded.
BYSO concert video purchasers typically receive their orders approximately 4 to 6 weeks after the end of that concert cycle.
Video Formats Available
Standard-definition DVDs
BYSO concert DVDs are available only in standard-definition video. One DVD contains footage of one concert (Fall Overture, Winter Masterworks, etc.).
DVD orders are accepted ONLY until two weeks after the concert. Late DVD orders miss the production window and cannot be fulfilled.
High-definition digital downloads
Digital downloads of BYSO concerts offer much higher resolution than DVDs for the same price. Downloads ordered after the initial two-week order period incur a $5 late fee and availability is not guaranteed.
Downloaded video may not be electronically reproduced, posted online, or shared in any manner. One download is permitted per email address. Additional download licenses may be purchased for additional email addresses; see order form.
Each download license grants permission to the licensee to create one DVD copy of the downloaded video for personal archival use if desired. Please note that the process of creating a home DVD automatically downgrades the video quality to standard definition.
BYSO concert videos are produced only for the benefit of BYSO member families, supporters, and staff, and are to be used for personal or archival use only. Concert videos are not available to view on the BYSO website.
Copyrighted material is protected by Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976.