Why Waitlists?
BYSO experienced a significant increase in the number of students auditioning for our ensembles this year. The capacity limitations at our rehearsal and performance venues do not permit us to admit more students than space allows at any given venue.
When Will I Know If My Student Has Been Moved Off of the Waitlist?
Admission off waitlists into any given ensemble is rolling. As soon as we hear from families/students who do no choose to enroll in BYSO this year, we will notify families/students for whom a spot has opened up via email.
The waitlist will close on September 27. At that time, if your student has not been offered the opportunity to enroll, they will be given the option to remain on the waitlist for our Winter Quarter.
If your student is offered a spot off the waitlist, the placement in their ensemble is valid for the remainder of the season.
How many Students Will Be Offered a Spot Off of the Waitlist?
It is very difficult for us to know, given the current accelerated interested in our programs. That said, historically about 10% of students offered spots in BYSO ensembles do not choose to enroll.
Financial Aid
BYSO has a commitment to meeting 100% of all tuition assistance requests. If your student is offered a spot in an ensemble off of the waitlist, that invitation will include instructions on how to request tuition assistance.
Can I Re-audition?
No. Students are only allowed to audition for BYSO once per season and their placement is binding for that entire season.
Will Waitlist Rankings Be Released
No. This information will not be made public.